Latest News Ongar News: Local Hospice Welcomes Alex Burghart MP St Clare Hospice in Hastingwood is just outside my constituency boundary but… Halifax Branch in Brentwood To Close This Year The Halifax branch in Brentwood is due to close on 10 September 2025 with the… Alex Burghart MP Opposes County Council Elections Being Suspended Amid Devolution Proposals Essex County Council has today confirmed elections for county councillors, due… Campaigns Dr Burghart's History Notes As a historian, I am always keen to seek out the history of where I live and… Opposing National Grid's Onshore Pylon Proposal Many residents, especially those in Ingatestone, Haverings Grove and West… Protecting Historic Ongar - My Call for High Street Weight Restriction Order I am calling for a Weight Restriction Order to be put in place on Ongar High… Road Safety in Stapleford Abbotts Children and parents from Stapleford Abbotts Primary School have been in touch… Stop The Smell The commercial composting site which appeared to have been the source of the… Cost of Living Support To help British families with the cost of living, we're providing £37bn of… Brentwood and Ongar Broadband Speeds The post-Covid increase in the number of people working from home has seen an… Find me on Facebook Contact Email, Postal and Telephone InquiriesHouse of Commons, London, SW1A 0AA020 7219 1613[email protected]Alex on FacebookAlex on X (Twitter) Brentwood and Ongar Am I your MP? Enter your postcode Postcode
Ongar News: Local Hospice Welcomes Alex Burghart MP St Clare Hospice in Hastingwood is just outside my constituency boundary but…
Halifax Branch in Brentwood To Close This Year The Halifax branch in Brentwood is due to close on 10 September 2025 with the…
Alex Burghart MP Opposes County Council Elections Being Suspended Amid Devolution Proposals Essex County Council has today confirmed elections for county councillors, due…
Dr Burghart's History Notes As a historian, I am always keen to seek out the history of where I live and…
Opposing National Grid's Onshore Pylon Proposal Many residents, especially those in Ingatestone, Haverings Grove and West…
Protecting Historic Ongar - My Call for High Street Weight Restriction Order I am calling for a Weight Restriction Order to be put in place on Ongar High…
Road Safety in Stapleford Abbotts Children and parents from Stapleford Abbotts Primary School have been in touch…
Brentwood and Ongar Broadband Speeds The post-Covid increase in the number of people working from home has seen an…