Stop The Smell

The commercial composting site which appeared to have been the source of the deeply unpleasant smell drifting regularly across North Weald, Moreton and parts of Ongar has now been taken over by Envar Composting Limited.

I have met representatives from Envar and understand they are currently reorganising the site to reduce the height of the windrows and ensuring the material for composting is shredded to a size which will allow air to circulate and encourage the composting process. The company is monitoring the site carefully, and has met with the Environment Agency already to discuss its actions.

The Envar representatives made it very clear to me that they are keen to have a good relationship with local residents and have asked anyone with any problems, concerns or complaints to raise them using the email address


Update on Pylons and Composting

While constituency casework keeps me and my office staff busy every day of every week, there are some issues which need more of a push – and this can take some time.

Ongar News - Roads and Aromas

A very happy new year to all Ongar News readers!

The last year was a busy one with many local people contacting me about a huge range of issues. 

Ongar News - Working Hard for Ongar and the Villages

My ongoing campaign for a Weight Restriction Order to be introduced on Ongar High Street continues. Good progress was being made with Essex County Council’s Cabinet Member for Highways, Cllr Lee Scott, who has now moved to be Cabinet Member for Planning A Growing Economy.