
NHS Winter Vaccine Programme Underway in Brentwood and Ongar

The NHS winter vaccine programme is now underway. This week, residents of older adult care homes and people who are housebound will begin receiving their COVID-19 and flu vaccinations, as we prioritise those at greatest risk.

Great British Insulation Scheme

The Government has launched the Great British Insulation Scheme, which aims to help more than 300,000 families heat their homes and save money on their bills through energy efficiency upgrades, such as: 

NHS Talking Therapies Supporting Mental Health in Brentwood and Ongar

The post-pandemic years have been notable in seeing a rise in people struggling with their mental health. Two years of uncertainty, social-distancing and a major disruption to routines were difficult to handle for even those with the most robust outlook on life.

Passport Processing Times Back to Three Weeks

Casework for a Member of Parliament is a constant stream of emails, letters and phone calls from constituents wishing to bring concerns about policy issues, personal problems, and comments about local issues to my attention.

Brentwood Improvement District Work Begins

Exciting things are ahead for the business areas and high streets of Brentwood, Ingatestone and Shenfield as work on the Brentwood Improvement District begins this month.