My slow but steady campaign calling for a Weight Restriction Order (WRO) to be put in place on Ongar High Street to stop huge lorries using our historic town centre as a cut through when other A roads are blocked or busy, continues.
Last month I had a meeting with the Leader of Essex County Council, Cllr Kevin Bentley, to ask for progress on this six year campaign. As all Ongar residents know, the pinch point on the high Street is very narrow. Old buildings tremble as lorries thunder through, and pedestrians are at risk as they walk on the narrow pavements on each side of the pinch point.
I’ve made it clear to Cllr Bentley that something needs to be done. A Weight Restriction Order would mean any overweight vehicles having or causing an accident on the High Street would not be insured, as they should not be there. Cllr Bentley has suggested a Temporary Traffic Restriction Order would be a first step, and would enable the Council to see how a WRO would work in the long term.
The fight goes on and I will continue to update you through these pages.